Customer Testimonials

What Our Customers Are Saying

I had a no call no show with Rockstar movers and thank goodness Last Minute Pickup was able to come out and help me. It was same day, very last minute. He kept in touch to keep me updated on what time they could come out, went out of his way to fit me into their schedule despite having other large jobs, and definitely saved the day!
Morgan Atwell

I absolutely love this company and will use them again! From the moment I called, I felt like I made the right decision. Jeff was very responsive with the quote, pickup times, etc. Joey and Shelton were right on time, called in advance to let me know they were in transit, were super friendly and helped me move three large tables.
5 STARS Don’t Hesitate….call them!
Tropic Villeas

Great move which ended up being difficult due to storage unit elevators breaking down. All three men brought items from 3rd floor storage unit down via the stairs in order to complete my move. Exceptional Service!!!!
Essence of Earth

Amazing group! I will continue to utilize them for any services needed and highly recommend. I had a bad experience with a couch i purchased from a consignment shop but last minute moving made everything better! Thanks
Shannon B

I am from Texas and was in panic mode when my group needed sandwiches, drinks, etc for their fishing trip there in FL. Lori and her team picked up platters from Publix, got coolers and drinks for my group and was there at the boat prior to their departure. Last Minute Pick-Up was a life saver. They are so easy to deal with, they are professional, reliable, timely, very reasonable as for cost of their stellar services made my job so easy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to my rescue. Highly recommend their services!
Orene Prado